Todays Markets

Trading Sentiment
Below is the latest sentiment as compiled by etoro, the world's largest (social) trading network. It provides a view of what individual investors think about the specific instruments and gives a view of the current sentiment.
The currency strength meter gives you a quick visual guide to which currencies are currently strong, and which ones are weak. The meter measures the strength of all forex cross pairs and applies calculations on them to determine the overall strength for each individual currency. For example, if EUR is strong and USD is weak, it could mean that the currency pair EURUSD could be going up. If both currencies are strong or weak it is better to avoid since it will probably means there is no clear direction for the specific pair.

Todays Markets

Trading Sentiment
Below is the latest sentiment as compiled by etoro, the world's largest (social) trading network. It provides a view of what individual investors think about the specific instruments and gives a view of the current sentiment.
The currency strength meter gives you a quick visual guide to which currencies are currently strong, and which ones are weak. The meter measures the strength of all forex cross pairs and applies calculations on them to determine the overall strength for each individual currency. For example, if EUR is strong and USD is weak, it could mean that the currency pair EURUSD could be going up. If both currencies are strong or weak it is better to avoid since it will probably means there is no clear direction for the specific pair.

Todays Markets

Trading Sentiment
Below is the latest sentiment as compiled by etoro, the world's largest (social) trading network. It provides a view of what individual investors think about the specific instruments and gives a view of the current sentiment.
The currency strength meter gives you a quick visual guide to which currencies are currently strong, and which ones are weak. The meter measures the strength of all forex cross pairs and applies calculations on them to determine the overall strength for each individual currency. For example, if EUR is strong and USD is weak, it could mean that the currency pair EURUSD could be going up. If both currencies are strong or weak it is better to avoid since it will probably means there is no clear direction for the specific pair.

Todays Markets

Trading Sentiment
Below is the latest sentiment as compiled by etoro, the world's largest (social) trading network. It provides a view of what individual investors think about the specific instruments and gives a view of the current sentiment.
The currency strength meter gives you a quick visual guide to which currencies are currently strong, and which ones are weak. The meter measures the strength of all forex cross pairs and applies calculations on them to determine the overall strength for each individual currency. For example, if EUR is strong and USD is weak, it could mean that the currency pair EURUSD could be going up. If both currencies are strong or weak it is better to avoid since it will probably means there is no clear direction for the specific pair.

Reminder: Stock Market Holiday Schedule

Date Holiday NYSE Nasdaq Bond Markets
Tuesday, Jan. 1 New Year's Day Closed Closed Closed
Monday, Jan. 21 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Closed Closed Closed
Monday, Feb. 18 Presidents' Day/Washington's Birthday Closed Closed Closed
Thursday, April 18 Maundy Thursday Open Open Early close
(2 p.m.)
Friday, April 19 Good Friday Closed Closed Closed
Friday, May 24 Friday Before Memorial Day Open Open Early close
(2 p.m.)
Monday, May 27 Memorial Day Closed Closed Closed
Wednesday, July 3 Day Before Independence Day Early close
(1 p.m.)
Early close
(1 p.m.)
Early close
(2 p.m.)
Thursday, July 4 Independence Day Closed Closed Closed
Monday, Sept. 2 Labor Day Closed Closed Closed
Monday, Oct. 14 Columbus Day Open Open Closed
Monday, Nov. 11 Veterans Day Open Open Closed
Thursday, Nov. 28 Thanksgiving Day Closed Closed Closed
Friday, Nov. 29 Day After Thanksgiving Early close
(1 p.m.)
Early close
(1 p.m.)
Early Close
(2 p.m.)
Tuesday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Early close
(1 p.m.)
Early close
(1 p.m.)
Early Close
(2 p.m.)
Wednesday, Dec. 25 Christmas Day Closed Closed Closed
Tuesday, Dec. 31 New Year's Eve Open Open Early Close
(2 p.m.)